Rejoicing, Praying, Trusting

I’m going to be totally honest here. It has been hard to rejoice lately because of problems with my spine causing extreme pain and because of some things going on in my family. But, I have been trying to do so because God tells us to rejoice.

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This same scripture says to pray continually. I liken that to picking up my spiritual phone in the morning and talking to the Father and then just keeping Him on the line and talking to Him throughout the day. I read a devotional this morning that said that some people say it’s hard to pray continually. The devotional pointed out that we check our cell phones constantly. That is what being in touch with God is like…always checking in for messages from Him and sending Him messages about how our day is going.

The final thing we are supposed to do is to give thanks in all circumstances. ALL circumstances! When I am in pain and not able to sleep during the night, instead of moaning as I am accustomed to doing, I should be giving thanks. When circumstances in my family are overwhelming me, I should give thanks. That does not mean that the circumstances are going to change, but it does mean that my heart will. Thus, that is my plan from today on.

This is the other Scripture that spoke to me this week. I want to be like a tree, trusting in God no matter what is happening around me. No worries! Do you see that? No worries! I’m just supposed to keep on bearing fruit for the Lord. And that is your job, too, if you are a child of His! Just grow, send out deep roots, keep your contact with the Lord and grow so that you can bear fruit for Him. I’m feeling blessed and energized now, and I pray that you have received some truth from reading this post today.

Blessings to you as you go check in with the Father and keep that line open!

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