He Has Done Great Things

It’s easy to focus on the bad things happening in our lives, but if we keep our focus on God, those circumstances all around us fade away so that we can truly say, “Holy is your Name, O Lord!” Our circumstances don’t change who God is, but God can change how we see our circumstances.

Holy is His Name

Have you ever found yourself feeling uncertain and weighed down by your circumstances? In times like these, it can feel almost impossible to praise the Lord for all He has done.

Life’s trials can often cloud our vision, making it difficult to see past our present struggles. Mary’s declaration in Luke isn’t solely about her blessings; it’s a testament to the unchanging character of God. Despite her uncertainties and forthcoming challenges, she found the strength to proclaim the greatness of God and the holiness of His name:
“For the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.”
Luke 1:49 NIV

Even when we don’t have all the answers, we can declare, “Holy is his name.”
Even when we’re faced with hardships threatening to steal our praise, we can declare, “Holy is his name.”
Even when the weight of fear presses down on us, we can declare, “Holy is his name.”

Our declaration, like Mary’s, is rooted in the belief that God’s faithfulness remains unwavering. The belief in God’s faithfulness strengthens our resolve to glorify Him—especially in the midst of uncertainty.

So, take a moment today to recall the “great things” the Mighty One has done for you. As you do, pray that your heart may be stirred to praise His holy name, remembering He has done great things not just for others but for you, too.

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