Nothing without God

I have never heard the term used in this devotional, “the God of the gaps.” But I know for many years, that is how I chose to live. I went about my life, including God in it whenever there was a “gap” that needed to be filled and I couldn’t do it myself. Then, after many years of halfway serving the Lord, He got hold of my heart and told me in no uncertain terms that he didn’t want to be a foul weather God…He wants to be the God of my everyday life, in all ways and always. I repented of my not quite there faith and turned to Him completely, and I have found that He is not only there for me in ways that I never imagined, but that I am so close to Him that I can hear His voice whispering comfort and advice to me, just when I need it. I am “all in” for the Lord and He is all there for me.

Yesterday, I saw my ophthalmologist and he gave me the good news that the infection in my eyes is totally clear. He also told me that I have something called membrane dystrophy, which basically looks like wavy lines going through my cornea because the surface is too dry. So, I have a special gel to put into my eyes at night and I am supposed to use my eye drops five times a day instead of four. Plus, my eyeballs are still swollen following the infection, so I am continuing to use the steroid drops he prescribed until they are all gone. I say all this to praise God for the healing but also to report that while I was in the office, I felt a tug to ask the doctor about getting a comprehensive eye exam, something I haven’t had in a couple of years. I have been going to a retina eye specialist once I was diagnosed with a “trace” of macular degeneration and the exam there consists only of finding out how the disease has progressed. The bottom line is that now I have an appointment to have the exam I need and the doctor told me that they will also do the scan on how the macular is doing and send the report to the retina specialist. I may sound crazy but I felt that tug to speak up was from God. He knows I need my eyes checked and that I was too wary of the financial cost to even broach the subject. But in talking to the insurance adviser there in the office, my insurance will cover the exam, so a problem I have been fretting about for a while was solved by listening to that little voice telling me to go ahead and ask about it. Advice from God is always sound advice and He is there to not just stand in a gap for me but to walk before me and prepare the way I should go. Again, listening and being willing to follow through are important, but a relationship with God is the way to a happier, healthier life.

Update on Mitch: The news about Mitch is not good right now. He started running a fever of 104 yesterday so the doctors say he has another infection but they don’t know how to treat it or where it is coming from. They also told him family that he may have to have one or both legs amputated as well as a hand to stop the spread of the sepsis infection. Please, when you pray, lift up a prayer for Mitch and his family. Just a reminder that they have two children under six and his wife is currently in her third trimester of pregnancy with their third child. God knows what Mitch needs…I am praying for wisdom for the doctors and for God to touch his body and remove the infection. Will you agree with me in prayer? Thank you.