My Help Comes From God

The last few weeks have been brutal as far as my health is concerned. Issues with breathing are not a lot of fun, I can tell you. I have lived with asthma my entire life, but not until the doctor tried a new medication on me to which I had an adverse reaction, had I really struggled that hard to breathe. Usually, my rescue inhaler or nebulizer would take care of things and I would continue with my regular routine. Such has not been the case lately. I have been short-winded, wheezing at small exertions like moving clothing from the washer to the dryer or from the dryer to the room to fold them. I have had to rest frequently and have gotten more than a little frustrated with my limitations.

Photo courtesy of our grandson Tyler Bailey who traveled to Japan recently and got this wonderful photo of Mount Fuji.

I am turning to the Lord more than ever with all of the health issues. Monday I see a specialist to see if the medication affected my vocal cords since I am having hoarseness and cough each time I speak. Then, there was the call from my nephrologist yesterday. I have to return to have my labs repeated in a month’s time because there is some evidence from my recent labs that my kidney may be going into a rapid decline. I asked if this could be the result of the steroids I was on for two weeks after I reacted to the Trelegy. The nurse said that steroids can affect the kidney, but she knows I had to take them to help me breathe. Catch 22 situation, right? So, I have to carefully read labels on foods, avoid nitrates as much as possible, and stick with fresh veggies and fruits if I can. I know my single kidney is not going to keep chugging along forever, but I was discouraged to get this news on top of having to see a throat and a lung specialist about the effects of this medicine. The good news just keeps coming, huh? Finally, my primary care doctor wants me to see a pulmonologist because I still have bronchitis after almost two weeks of a strong antibiotic. Thus, the wheezing and persistent cough. But God…in the midst of my tears of anger and frustration, God reminded me that He has the final say and brought this verse to mind again. I had created the illustration over a week ago and posted it on my social media, but I am the one who needs to cling to it, so I am bringing it out again.

Photo courtesy of Tyler Bailey

And this verse goes along with the first one. God is my help. He made heaven and earth and He made me…my lungs and my kidney. And I am here until I have fulfilled His purpose for me on this earth. I may be sad because of the current limitations in activity and diet, but I am still a walking testimony to God’s love and grace and hope to continue that testimony until the day He calls me home to be with Him.

I appreciate your prayers for me and my husband as we walk this unknown road. But we know we don’t walk alone because God is before us, beside us and behind us…and I cannot ask for more than that! Meanwhile, I am still making plans to visit grandchildren this summer, going to Maryland next week to see little Nathan celebrate his third birthday and then home for a few days. Then, I am supposed to visit my sister for her birthday in July and finally we are going to northern Pennsylvania to visit our daughter and her family. Of course, that is all provided the doctors allow me to travel, but I am trusting that God will work things out since He knows the desires of my heart. These trips have been planned and postponed multiple times because I kept getting sick, and I just don’t want to put them off any more. So, prayers for that would be appreciated, too.

I remain a servant of the Lord and am in awe of His power and mercy. I hope each of you has a blessed day and remember how much God truly loves you!