God Will Rise Up

I don’t know how you feel about all of the sin that seems to be rampant and blatantly challenging God to do something about it, but I am absolutely incensed at the sheer spite and ignorance of those who mock God. But I am reminded that they will not always be able to do so because one day, God will arise and judge His enemies.

The cause if God’s and we Christians are only a part of His plan. When He arises to defend His cause, it will be a great and terrible day. Every day this month I have awakened to new atrocities in the name of “pride month.” I guess it is a proud moment when you chant, “We’re coming for your children,” and when you push your minority agenda on everyone. What saddens me is that so many are jumping on this bandwagon and cheering right along. I had to unfollow several sites on WordPress because they were promoting the whole pride agenda…and they are supposedly Christian sites. I’m not sure what they do with the Bible verses that clearly define sin. Of course, we are all sinners and not one sin is worse than the others. So, I am not the one to judge, but one day God will and I’m thinking it will not end well for those who do not choose to repent. I pray for those who are deceived but especially for those who are supposedly enlightened and still deceiving others. If their words hurt my heart, I cannot imagine how much they hurt God.

2 thoughts on “God Will Rise Up

  1. Praises Vickie! As always, the Psalms are a blessed place to spend time with the Lord. His presence keeps my tiny boat in this enormous world afloat. Let us focus on His glory instead of the noise around us.

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