God Is Our Devoted Doctor and Loving Parent


The newspapers and all of the news stations on television are filled with stories of murders, assaults, wars, and general mayhem in the world. Social media is filled with people blasting one candidate or another who is running for an office. Meanwhile, God patiently waits for us to recognize that we need a physician to fix what ails us. We have turned from God and towards our own pleasures, losing ourselves for hours at a time in mindless social media. God loves us enough to wait patiently for now, but He will not always do so. Just as He judged Israel and allowed them to be taken captive to Babylon, He will one day judge all of the earth for our folly in not paying attention to His glaring warnings about what is to come. I’m glad that I can depend on God to be my physician and fix what is really hurting me…it’s a heart matter, a matter of knowing who you are supposed to be in God and striving towards that goal every day. I’m thankful that God is a loving parent and He never gives up on me!

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